Ocean Rooms in Gorleston…
Andrew has installed another Touch Screen at the incredibly popular Ocean Rooms in Gorleston-on-Sea on the Norfolk coast.
This screen was placed in the VIP Bar to help out with queues on incredibly busy evenings.
All the Touch Screens at the Ocean Rooms are linked to card payment terminals provided by Paymentsense.
The Ocean Rooms also has the Touch Office Web system so they have complete control over their business.
From anywhere at anytime the owner of the business, Kelly, can view journals at anytime…She can view what staff are doing on the terminals, what’s being sold, stock levels and so much more.
If Touch Office Web is something you’re considering, we are happy to provide a FREE demonstration or pass contact details onto you of many happy customers.
Waiters Handheld devices are also in use at the Ocean Rooms, so as you you can see they have the ultimate package from ECR which enables their business to run smoothly and most importantly efficiently.
For more information on all the services we provide please call 01603 610559
Until next time…
Mandy Austin